A vibrant millennial couple, lovers of social gatherings, dedicated to their work and seasoned travellers, shared the vision of their dream home with us – a lavish haven to unwind with their Gen Z daughter and host extravagant parties. They held a deep appreciation for Roman architecture and Renaissance art, thus seeking a space that transcended materialism through intricate details and artistic expressions.

Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra
Firm name and Instagram ID: Space Karma
IG Handle: https://www.instagram.com/spacekarma.in/
Photography Credits: Kuber
IG Handle: https://www.instagram.com/thekuber/

THE ROMAN EROS by Space Karma Design Studio - Sheet4

To bring their dream to life, we journeyed back to the era of Marcus Aurelius and Leonardo Da Vinci. Our aim was to design an environment inspired by the architectural aesthetics reminiscent of the Renaissance period in Rome.

As we love to call this project “The Roman Eros”, it found its place in an upscale Mumbai neighbourhood, boasting an impressive 12 ft. ceiling. Leveraging this lofty space, we adopted an intuitive and strategic design approach, utilizing Rome-inspired columns, arches and vaults to amplify the height and infuse a regal sense into the long, expansive corridors.

THE ROMAN EROS by Space Karma Design Studio - Sheet8

A cohesive ambience ties together all the spaces, blending the magnificence of Roman intricacies with modern minimalist colours and textures. Renaissance art – whether reflected in statement mosaic walls or ceilings reminiscent of chapel paintings, plays a profound role in this project.

THE ROMAN EROS by Space Karma Design Studio - Sheet9

Throughout the house, a palette of light and airy tones prevails, adorned with intricate moulding and fluted details that add a touch of exquisite opulence to this space, fondly referred to as The Roman Eros.


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